Smell and Taste Training Plan
Developed by medical specialists and based on natural scents. Three sets with different scents. 100% pure and natural.
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MARNYS® RecuSenses is designed for people who want to support their smell and taste training through the use of natural and essential aromas.
Smell training" is a self-control strategy that consists of a regular programme of using strong smells or essential aromas to activate the memory of the smell system.
This plan is designed by medical specialists and developed by MARNYS® with a method based on the work carried out by different researchers, which has proven to be efficient in people who require olfactory training.
The aromas included in MARNYS® RecuSenses sets are composed of high quality essential oils, which fall into the categories Floral, Fruity, Herbaceous and Resinous/Balsamic, as a valid strategy recognised by several societies for olfactory and taste training.
*It is recommended to ask a medical specialist for advice before starting the training plan.
What does the training plan consist of?
The training plan consists of smelling the different essential aromas that make up the MARNYS® RECUSENSES sets.
Each set contains 4 essential aromas of different origin and intensity that are used by applying the scent strips included in the box.
These oils train the sense of smell in order to identify smells, store them and remember them.
The recommendations for the use of MARNYS® RecuSenses advised by medical specialists consist of a daily routine of 2 sessions (morning and afternoon), each of about 10 minutes' time, for several months (the guidelines and duration may change according to the indications of the medical specialist).
During these 10 minutes, about 2.5 minutes will be used for each of the 4 essential oils in the kit.
EAN: 8410885090843
SET 2 - Mandarin, Rosemary, Frankincense and Ylang Ylang
EAN: 8410885090850
SET 1 - Bergamot, Clove, Eucalyptus and Geranium
EAN: 8410885090867
How is RecuSenses used?
How to use RecuSenses is detailed in the section above. You will also find a User Guide with more detailed information inside the box.
For how long can I use RecuSenses?
The recommended time of use of RecuSenses is determined by the specialist according to the requirements of the olfactory training plan.
Which RecuSenses set should I choose and which one should I start with?
It is recommended to start progressively, choosing one of the 3 RecuSenses sets and continue with the following sets. To determine this, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist before starting the training plan.
Do I have to use all RecuSenses sets to recover my sense of smell and taste?
To train the sense of smell and taste, it is advisable to start with one of the 3 sets and continue progressively with the rest.
What is the difference between each RecuSenses set?
Each RecuSenses set contains four different scents from the categories Floral, Fruity, Herbal and Resinous/Balsamic. The difference in each is in the aroma and intensity of the essential oil.
Are RecuSenses essential oils chemotyped?
Yes, RecuSenses essential oils are chemotyped. Chemotyped means that the essential oils have a defined composition, are 100% pure and of natural origin, not denatured or mixed with other oils.
What comes in the RecuSenses set?
Each RecuSenses set includes: four 100% pure and natural MARNYS ESSENCES COLLECTION chemotyped essential oils, 200 olfactory strips and 1 user guide.
Does RecuSenses contain any allergens?
RecuSenses essential oils are 100% pure and natural, so they do not contain any other ingredients or substances. If you are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients, it is recommended that you consult a medical specialist.
Smell is an important way of communicating with the environment. The system has a unique nervous plasticity, as it is constantly developing throughout life.
Humans can smell between four and ten thousand different scents, with one receptor for each kind of smell in our brain, reaching 12 million. Our smell receptors are attuned to the physical and chemical properties of the odorants, stimulating the nervous system, causing changes in the metabolism of the brain, and affecting emotions, desires and memories.
What is the process of smell or "sniffing" like?
The inhaled air carries volatile odorant molecules to the olfactory epithelium (which is mucous), located at the roof of the two nasal cavities of the nose. At one end, receptor cells are located, and the other end contains specific connections that convey to the nerve cells of the olfactory bulb.
The olfactory epithelium has a low viscosity that helps to transport and concentrate the odorants in the sensory receptor cells, so that they amplify the "chemical signal" and it is transmitted to the nervous system (olfactory bulb) where it is decoded as "an odour". The olfactory bulb is responsible for processing the signals it receives from the receptors and transmitting this information to other parts of the brain.
Why use Essential Aromas in olfactory training?
If we look back in history, the use of essential aromas dates back to prehistoric man, who discovered the pleasant and healthy smell of burning certain plants. This is mainly due to the mixture of volatile components such as terpenes and phenylpropanoids, which associated with each specific kind of plant have proven and valid properties for olfactory and general wellbeing.
Tania A. –
You need patience to notice results, you will finally achieve it!
[Translated from marnys.es]
María Luisa –
All the information is super clear, very well explained. Thanks a lot!!!
[Translated from marnys.es]
SandraF –
They gave it to me because I needed it. It has been great to me!
[Translated from marnys.es]
Ramón Pérez –
I am using the SET3, the citrus with the pine are the ones that smell the most to me. Very good product.
[Translated from marnys.es]
Félix P –
It is one of the best products for smell on the market. The essential oils are of extraordinary quality and 100% natural. Wonderfull
[Translated from marnys.es]