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How to be more ecological: tips and eco-friendly products

How to be more ecological: tips and eco-friendly products

Published: 12 March, 2020 - Updated: 30 April, 2021 | 3'

Within our Sustainable Development program, MARNYS® is committed to the care of the environment, fighting for the preservation of its richness and working on the reduction of emissions, waste and the sustainability of water and energy.

We are certified organic in ecological agriculture, offering food supplements and natural cosmetics of the highest quality, while respecting the environment and optimizing natural resources.


What is an ecological product?

Generally speaking, ecological products are those that are produced in an environmentally friendly way. According to the Official Journal of the European Union, ecological production combines sustainable environmental practices, with a high level of biodiversity, preserving natural resources, producing food in a healthy way, caring for the environment, maintaining its quality and guaranteeing its present use and for future generations under the same health standards. This is called sustainability, and agroecology allows food to be produced through this process.

The concept of Certified Ecological is obtained when the crops have been designed under an ecological model. That is to say, they come from a system that replicates natural ecosystems, where there is a great diversity of species living together, and where there is a balance between energy and nutrients that enter/exit the system naturally, without adding toxins such as herbicides, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers (agro-toxins).

Therefore, they are those products that are produced in a sustainable way, without using chemicals or being genetically modified.

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Ecological footprint

The ecological footprint is the effect of our practices and habits on the environment, thus measuring whether an activity is sustainable or not. We know the footprint by measuring the surface area needed to produce resources and absorb the impacts of an activity.

A study by the WWF shows that in order to satisfy current needs, we are consuming natural resources equivalent to 1.6 planets. Therefore, production methods for ecological products play a great role, as they contribute to environmental protection and well-being.

It is difficult to know exactly the ecological footprint we produce every day, but we do know how to reduce it with sustainable practices and products.

What is an ecological company?

An ecological company is one that, as far as possible, reduces the impact that its activity will have on the environment.

There are many measures that a company can introduce to reduce its impact on the environment, such as recycling cardboard, plastics and glass, reducing emissions and lowering energy consumption.

What is the difference between organic and ecological?

The terms organic and ecological are often used interchangeably, although they refer to slightly different concepts.

An ecological product is one that develops in all its stages without artificial interventions, respecting the natural cycles. That is to say, it takes into account the social, economic and cultural dimension of the environment in order to achieve a sustainable management of the agrosystem, promoting a balance with the environment and society. An ecological product comes from planning of more sustainable systems through the recovery of the existing genetic heritage, an appropriate management of biodiversity and the return to local markets, taking into account each stage of the process: fertilizers, types of crops, phytosanitary aspects, machinery used, hedges, production costs, and local varieties, among others.

An organic product is one in which no chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers have been used during its production, nor it has been genetically modified. The FAO defines organic agriculture as "based on minimizing the use of external inputs, and avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers and manures, using methods that minimize air, soil and water pollution, i.e. it is a holistic production management system that promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. Organic is thus referred to as the process of "handling plant inputs, type of planting and harvesting".

How to be more ecological?

As we have said, it is important to reduce our ecological footprint on the planet. In order to become greener we must introduce sustainable habits and products to reduce the environmental impact.

Also, we can implement various sustainable practices in our everyday activities.

MARNYS® ecological products

MARNYS® products seek to be respectful not only of ourselves but also of the environment.

Discover our products that are certified ecological:

Products with ecological certification for the defenses

Products with ecological certification as purifiers

Products with ecological certification for energy

Products with ecological certification for the metabolism

Products with ecological certification for the optimal line

Flower essences with ecological certification

Food products with ecological certification

Essential Oils with ecological certification

Cosmetic oils with ecological certification

Natural cosmetics with ecological certification: MARNYS Dermpure