Doctor Joan Matas Dalmases, gynaecology and integrative medicine
He is a pioneer in the application of integrative medicine in gynaecology. From his clinic in Barcelona, he also practices anti-aging medicine. From his social networks @dr.matasdalmases he helps to inform and promote healthy habits.
Dr. Joan Matas Dalmases @dr.matasdalmases
Gynaecologist and integrative physician
- Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
- Master's degree in Mammary Pathology and Fertility.
- Master's degree in Orthomolecular Medicine and Nutrition.
Doctor Joan Matas Dalmases is a specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with a Master's degree in Mammary Pathology, Fertility and Orthomolecular Medicine and Nutrition. He is a pioneer in the application of integrative medicine in gynaecology, and in the practice of anti-aging medicine which he carries out from his clinic in Barcelona.
Dr. Matas does not understand the practice of medicine unless it is from an integrative and holistic approach, going to the root cause of problems and understanding the human being as an integrated whole. In his practice, he is consistent with this conception of medical practice and thanks to his unique approach he sees patients from all over Spain and beyond our borders. In addition, Dr. Matas is an active populariser of medicine through television and his social networks ( @dr.matasdalmases) and website.
We talk to Dr. Matas to find out more about his career, medical specialties and his recommendations for healthy habits.
1. You specialise in integrative gynaecology, could you tell us what integrative gynaecology is?
Integrative medicine, and by extension integrative gynaecology, understands the human being as an integrated and interrelated whole, so that a gynaecological disease can originate from a neurological, emotional, social or digestive problem, to give some examples. If we do not solve the original problem, we will not achieve a cure for the gynaecological problem that brings the patient to our consultation. In addition, integrative medicine and gynaecology tend to first use substances that are effective and "friendly" to our bodies, such as nutritional supplements like vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, minerals, omegas or mushroom extracts, and if necessary they use conventional medicine, like surgery or conventional drugs.
2. Another of your specialties is Orthomolecular Medicine, something that perhaps is not so well known. What is orthomolecular medicine?
Orthomolecular Medicine seeks to balance the nutrients in our body to achieve an optimal state of health. It is effective in preventive medicine, very effective in chronic diseases, but also in acute ones. As it pursues a good nutritional status, it places a lot of emphasis on proper nutrition, and uses the right supplementation of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other nutrients, in the right doses, to prevent and cure diseases. As it uses nutrients to optimize health, it has no side effects or contraindications.
3. In addition to your consultations as a gynaecologist, you do a lot of education in the media and on social networks to build healthy habits. Why do you think it's important to make health advice and information visible to the population?
The education I do through social networks, radio and television allows me to reach thousands of people who, otherwise, would not be within my reach. Giving health advice through these media allows me to empower the public in their decision-making in their daily life and take responsibility for their health status with knowledge. I am convinced that each of us is primarily responsible for our health status by making healthy decisions and implementing them in our daily life.
4. What healthy advice, in your opinion, is the most important that we should all take into account?
As I just said, everyone should take their own health seriously as far as it depends on oneself. Basically: adequate nutrition, regular exercise, proper rest, hydration, and having a rich and healthy social life.
5. Let's talk now about your experience and recommendations as a gynaecologist. At what age do you recommend that women start having gynaecological check-ups and how often should you go to the gynaecologist?
Every woman who is sexually active should have annual gynaecological check-ups, regardless of her age. In any case, girls should start having gynaecological check-ups at the age of 15 or 16, or earlier if there's a circumstance that requires it. The annual frequency is generally suitable, but often check-ups need to be done earlier if there are circumstances, such as illnesses, risk factors or family history, that call for it.
6. In your consultation, do you often recommend dietary supplements to your patients? Why?
Dietary supplements are particularly useful in my practice. The ingredients they contain have been widely documented in medical literature as part of people's overall well-being.
Supplementation allows us to be very specific, along with balanced diet and regular exercise, in ensuring the normal levels of nutrients needed for good health.
7. What kind of supplements or active ingredients do you recommend the most?
The vitamin D and the magnesium are widely used because of their implications in bone wellness and immunity. The fatty acids omega 3, for their goodness in cardiovascular and brain health. The hydrolysed collagen for its qualities on joint and skin level. In gynaecology, agnus castus and evening primrose oil have been proven useful during menopause and menstruation, respectively. I also recommend isoflavones in women over 40 and local hyaluronic acid, which is used for postmenopausal vaginal dryness. The extracts of cranberry are a recommendation for urinary well-being.
8. Do you often recommend any MARNYS dietary supplement?
Indeed, mainly for its quality and good value for money.
The quality, versatility and richness of MARNYS supplements are key in my daily professional activity.
Among my favourites are the vitamins from the VITAHELP line. The Vitamin D 4000 is undoubtedly my go-to vitamin D. Also the magnesium from VITAHELP because it allows me to give full doses easily. Another supplement that I often recommend is VIT-C 1000 for it being a liposomal vitamin C with great absorption and tolerability, and at certain times, I recommend it along with Propolvit Defens.
On a gynaecological level, the vaginal moisturiser Ginecoil is my primary recommendation in cases of postmenopausal vaginal dryness and for all women with these symptoms, for example, those who have suffered from breast cancer. In my opinion, this vaginal moisturiser with hyaluronic acid is superior to those we currently find on the market.
When we talk about urinary tract wellness, my recommendation is Cistomar Forte, especially in recurring processes, it's one of my favourites.
Lastly, in the care of the osteoarticular system, my favourites are Condrohelp, and Mialtrim.
You can follow Dr. Joan Matas on his social networks:
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