We bring together nature and science to take care of you



Scientific value is essential to achieve our formulations and, for this reason, innovation is key to our business project.

We believe science must be at the service of the best formulae, which in turn will result in top-quality products.

In fact, our firm commitment to R&D&I has been recognised throughout our history and, year after year, through different recognitions such as the Technological Innovation Project Prize by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology and the prize for research applied to companies by the European Business Innovation Centre of Murcia, among others.


We are firmly committed to R&D&I, to investing in the continuous training of our human, technical and logistical team and to collaborating with institutions and different universities in research programmes and chairs.

We have several R&D projects approved by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in the field of new products, process innovation and information and communication technologies.

Collaboration with CSIC

We have been working closely with scientific institutions such as the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) since 2017, carrying outstanding projects like the characterization of ingredients of beekeeping origin.

Technology Centers

We work to boost our competitiveness through innovation, along with Technological Centres betting on R+D+i in the food sector.

Inter-University Chair of Innovation

In February 2022, the Inter-University Chair 'Murcia Innova Ecosystem' (EMURI) was established, the first chair that brings together the three major universities in the Region of Murcia: University of Murcia (UMU), Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), and Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).
MARNYS is one of the first companies in the Region to join this Chair, thus becoming a patron company.
>> More information


Since 2017 MARNYS® has been a member of the Network of Chairs of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), promoting training activities, practical application of knowledge and fostering innovation. In addition, in 2019 we were awarded the honorary prize for the cooperation between the company and the UPCT Chair Network, which recognizes our company's collaboration and trajectory in research, development and projection activities.


Among the objectives of this university Chair MARNYS® - UCAM (Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia), since 2018, is to develop research work for the creation of new products, to execute clinical studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of ingredients and products and to plan R+D+i projects. For example, the MARNYS-UCAM Chair has developed BETAFOR3MAX®, an exclusive formula of β-alanine of controlled release with the aim of improving sports performance.
>> More information


The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), a public organization from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation that promotes innovation and technological development in Spanish companies, has evaluated and approved several high innovative projects of our laboratory.
  • Development of a proprietary and exclusive ingredient according to its target characteristics that allows the development of new innovative products in the sports nutrition sector, with proven effectiveness through clinical trials. >> More info
  • Obtaining formulated propolis and improving processes through the use of green extraction techniques and valorization of the byproduct for animal nutrition. >> More info
  • Research and development of a new symbiotic and its industrial manufacturing process as a food supplement. >> More info
  • Obtaining Cannabidiol formulations and process improvement through the use of green extraction techniques and valorization of the by-product. >> More info


Nowadays, Martínez Nieto S.A. - MARNYS® facilities are one of the most technologically advanced in the industry of natural nutrition and cosmetics in Europe.

  • With more than 23.500 m².
  • One of the most complete laboratories in Spain and Europe for the production of food supplements, natural cosmetics and certified organic products.
  • All the facilities are qualified and validated under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards in order to develop all products under the strictest quality, safety and hygiene conditions, as well as under controlled levels of temperature, humidity and pressure — with permanent microbiological testing — ensuring the effectiveness of the final product.
  • In 2014 and 2018, our production plant was successfully inspected by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration).

Our facilities are comprised of:

  • R&D&I pilot plant for new formulations and product ideas
  • Analytical preparation laboratory
  • Microbiology laboratory
  • Stability chambers
  • Instrumental analysis laboratory for verification of purity and identity
  • Sensory evaluation laboratory
  • Physical-chemical testing laboratory